Good Behaviour Licence

A person who breaches their Good Behaviour Licence will be suspended from driving.

Even though the letter says you can’t appeal, there are ways to avoid the suspension that follows a breach of a Good Behaviour Licence. In fact, we have helped many people to do exactly that.

Contact us for a consultation about how we can help you to keep your driver’s licence.

A Good Behaviour Licence is available to unrestricted licence holders who exceed their demerit point limit.

Once a driver goes over their limit, they receive a Notice of Suspension from the RMS. The Notice of Suspension gives them a choice: Either serve the suspension, or elect to go on a Good Behaviour Licence.

Choosing a Good Behaviour Licence means that the driver will have only 1 demerit point for the next 12 months. Incurring 2 or more demerit points leads to a licence suspension that is double the initial suspension period.

However, on successful completion of the good behaviour period their demerit points return to zero.