Work Diary Breach

If you’ve been charged with a work diary offence, it can feel like the odds are stacked against you. But, with the right approach you can successfully fight the charge or reduce the penalties.

Our team is uniquely placed to help you. Heavy Vehicle law is a niche area, with few lawyers focussing on it as their main area of expertise. But we do!

With over a decade working in the field, and an ex-RMS prosecutor on the team, we not only know the law back to front, we know the industry.

We understand that what the law requires doesn’t always match the realities of the job. We know the common mistakes that drivers and the RMS make, and importantly we can explain them in a way that magistrates understand.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you with your driver fatigue charges.

When you’ve been charged with a work diary breach the main concerns are:

  • Fines – the maximum penalty the magistrate can impose depends on the seriousness of the charge. For the most serious category (critical risk), the fines can be up to $16,830 for each breach.
  • Demerit points – work diary breaches incur up to 4 demerit points each depending on the category of breach.
  • RMS legal fees – the RMS can ask the magistrate to make you pay their legal fees. We always run your matter in a way to avoid unnecessary costs orders, because the last thing you want is to pay the RMS more. Read more