A red light infringement will usually cost you a fine and demerit points.
There are ways to avoid losing your driver’s licence following a red light infringement. The right approach depends on the type of licence you hold and the circumstances of your infringement.
Call us to discuss the best way to keep you on the road.
The best way to save your licence will depend on what type of licence you hold.
You can save your licence by:
There are advantages and risks with each option. It is wise to seek legal advice before choosing with path to take. Contact us today for personalised advice on your options.
It is rare, but yes it can.
If you believe that you have received a red light fine wrongly, call us to discuss your options.
If you were not driving the vehicle at the time of a camera detected offence, you should nominate the person who was.
There are instructions for nominating a driver on your Infringement Notice and also on the Revenue NSW website.
If you are not sure who was driving, call us to discuss your option.