Habitual Traffic Offender Declaration

An Habitual Traffic Offender Declaration (HTOD) can add many years to your licence disqualification. However, there is usually no need for you to serve that extra time.

You can apply to the Local Court to remove any HTODs on your record. If successful, you could be eligible to apply for a driver’s licence that same day.

The team at Ainsley Law have helped many people to quash HTODs and get their licences back sooner. In fact, we have a 100% success rate.

Call us to find out how to remove your HTOD and get back on the road sooner.

Under the HTOD scheme, any person who was convicted of 3 major traffic offences within 5 years was declared an Habitual Traffic Offender. They were given an extra 5 year disqualification per declaration.

In 2017 the HTOD scheme was repealed. Since then, people are no longer declared Habitual Traffic Offenders and automatically given extra disqualifications if they commit multiple offences.

Unfortunately, any HTODs that had already been made before the law was changed still apply.