Mass Overload

We understand that compliance with the mass limit laws isn’t always straight forward when you’re working on the road. Conveying the realities of heavy vehicle work to the magistrate can make a huge difference to the outcome of your case.

Our team is uniquely placed to help you. Heavy Vehicle law is a niche area, with few lawyers focussing on it as their main area of expertise. But we do!

With over a decade working in the field, and an ex-RMS prosecutor on the team, we not only know the law back to front, we know the industry. We’ve learnt about the realities of the job from the experts – drivers like you.

We know the common mistakes that drivers and the RMS make, and importantly we can explain them in a way that magistrates understand.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you with your mass overload charges.

The penalty for a mass overload is a fine.

The maximum fine that the Court can impose is calculated based on how much you were over the limit. It can be up to $33,640 per breach.

Read more about how the penalties for mass limits are calculated.