Red Light

A red light infringement will usually cost you a fine and demerit points.

There are ways to avoid losing your driver’s licence following a red light infringement. The right approach depends on the type of licence you hold and the circumstances of your infringement.

Call us to discuss the best way to keep you on the road.

The best way to save your licence will depend on what type of licence you hold.

You can save your licence by:

  • Avoiding the demerit points – rather than paying the fine, you can contest the infringement in Court. You will avoid the demerit points if the magistrate finds you:
    • ‘not guilty’, or
    • ‘guilty, but without conviction’ (section 10).
      This option is available to holders of all classes of licence.
  • Appealing against the suspension – learner and provisional licence holders have the option of waiting until they receive the suspension letter, and then appealing directly against the suspension. Read more
  • Electing a Good Behaviour Licence – unrestricted licence holders can elect to go on a Good Behaviour Licence. Read more

There are advantages and risks with each option. It is wise to seek legal advice before choosing with path to take. Contact us today for personalised advice on your options.